With Your Help We Will End ALS
As one of the world's only nonprofit biotech companies, we rely on money from donors, rather than investors, to fund our research. Because of this, we are only answerable to our supporters and the ALS community - we only need to worry about finding effective treatments for ALS, rather than providing a financial benefit to shareholders.
This also means that the ALS community itself has an opportunity to participate directly in supporting research for treatments in a way that's unique both in the nonprofit and biotech spheres. It means that every discovery - and every potential treatment - that comes out of our lab happens directly because of you, our donors and supporters.
With your help we are working to discover and develop effective treatments and cures to end ALS. We will not stop until there are treatments available for every person with ALS.
Your Impact - Research

Your Support of ALS TDI has Resulted in:

  • The rigorous screening of over 400 potential treatments for ALS - more than any other ALS research lab in the world.
  • The world's first Precision Medicine Program, a partnership with people with ALS, designed to speed up drug discovery and therapeutic development for ALS.
  • ALS TDI becoming the first nonprofit biotech to develop a potential treatment for ALS, AT-1501, and bring it from our own lab, through FDA review and into a phase 1 clinical trial.
  • The discovery of a promising new drug target for C9orf72-related ALS.
  • The improvement of world-wide standards in preclinical drug screening in models of ALS.
Thanks to you we are closer to curing ALS, but our work is not done. Please continue to support our mission to end ALS.